Moisture Meter

( digital Moisture Meter, Moisture Tester, electromagnetic inductive moisture meter, moisture detector, grain Moisture Meter, grain Moisture tester, portable grain Moisture Meter, wood Moisture Meter, timber Moisture Meter, timber water meter, soil Moisture Meter, seed Moisture Meter, temperature Moisture Meter, paper Moisture Meter, tea Moisture Meter )

multifunctional moisture meter          grain moisture meter          wood/paper moisture meter          soil moisture meter


Portable Soil Moisture Meter

Model No.: MO-330

No battery required (self-powered)

- Measuring moisture range :  1-10

Measurement accuracy : ㊣ 1% RDG d +1

- easy to measure moisture value of soil, plants, garden, vegetables, trees etc.

- Case color available: deep green       

- Packing: hanging card

100PCS/CTN  MEAS:53*35*52CM (volume G.W.: 19.3KGS)  G.W./N.W: 6.5/5.5KGS

Portable Soil Moisture & PH Meter

Model No.: MP-330

- No battery required (self-powered)     

- Measuring moisture range :  1-10     

Measurement accuracy : ㊣ 1% RDG d +1

- Measuring pH range : 3.5-8 pH

- easy to measure moisture value of soil, plants, garden, vegetables, trees etc.

- Case color available: deep green       

- Packing: hanging card blister

MP-330  (meter size: 28.5*5cm)

100PCS/CTN  MEAS:53*35*52CM (volume G.W.: 19.3KGS)  G.W./N.W: 6.5/5.5KGS

Portable 3 in 1 Soil Moisture & PH & Lux Meter

Model No.: MPL-330

- No battery required (self-powered)      

- Moisture Range :  1-10

Measurement accuracy : ㊣ 1% RDG d +1

- pH range: 3.5 - 8.0                 

- Light Range: 0 -2,000 Lux

- easy to measure moisture value of soil, plants, garden, vegetables, trees etc.

- Case color available: deep green       

- Packing: hanging card blister

MPL-330 (meter size: 28.5*5cm)

100PCS/CTN  MEAS:53*35*52CM (volume G.W.: 19.3KGS)  G.W./N.W: 8/7KGS,

ZD-05 Soil PH and Moisture Tester
Range: PH:3-8 pH ;
Accuracy: +/- 0.3pH
Moisture:1-8 (10%-80%)

Measurement accuracy : ㊣ 1% RDG d +1
Weight: 160g
Notes: Soil pH value is a very important factor for the quality of crops. Most of crops cannot survive in too acid or too alkaline soil. Get the right pH reading for your Crop is very important.

- Packing: paper box

ZD-05  (meter size: 16*5cm/dia)

18.5kgs/100PCS 76x40x40cm/100pc  (volume G.W.: 24.3KGS)

ZD-06 Soil PH and Moisture Tester

ZD-06 with 30 cm long stem. It can get deeper into soil where a lot of plant roots are. Allows accurate measurement.
Range: PH:3-8 pH ;
Accuracy: +/- 0.3pH
Moisture:1-8 (10%-80%)

Measurement accuracy : ㊣ 1% RDG d +1
Weight: 160g
Notes: Soil pH value is a very important factor for the quality of crops. Most of crops cannot survive in too acid or too alkaline soil. Get the right pH reading for your Crop is very important.

- Packing: hanging card blister

ZD-06  (meter size: 41*5cm/dia)

21.0kgs/100PCS 79x55x43cm/100pc  (volume G.W.: 37.4KGS)

pH 技快找把 XHST300 - 改抖快抗找把抉扶扶抑抄 扭把我忌抉把, 抗抉找抉把抑抄 我戒技快把攸快找 志抖忘忪扶抉扼找抆, pH (抗我扼抖抉找扶抉扼找抆), 抉扼志快投快扶扶抉扼找抆 扭抉折志抑 我 找快技扭快把忘找批把批. 尿找抉 扶抉志抑抄 扭把我忌抉把, 抗抉找抉把抑抄 扭抉技抉忍忘快找 改扳扳快抗找我志扶抉 抗抉扶找把抉抖我把抉志忘找抆 折快找抑把快 扼忘技抑抒 志忘忪扶抑抒 扭忘把忘技快找把忘 志抉 志把快技攸 志抑把忘投我志忘扶我攸 把忘扼找快扶我抄. 尿找忘 技抉忱快抖抆 抗抉技扭忘抗找扶忘, 扭抉忱抒抉忱我找 忱抖攸 志扼快抒 找我扭抉志 扭抉折志抑, 批忱抉忌扶忘 志抉 志把快技攸 改抗扼扭抖批忘找忘扯我我 我 忱忘忸找 扼找忘忌我抖抆扶抑快 我 找抉折扶抑快 扭抉抗忘戒忘扶我攸 (我戒技快把攸快找 抗忘折快扼找志快扶扶快快, 扶快忪快抖我 忱把批忍我快 扭把我忌抉把抑).

pH-技快找把 XHST300 抉扼扶忘投快扶 200 技我抖抖我技快找把抉志抑技 改抖快抗找把抉忱抉技 我 LCD 忱我扼扭抖快快技. 坏抖攸 改抗抉扶抉技我我 戒忘把攸忱忘 忌忘找忘把快我, 扭把我忌抉把 扼忘技抉扼找抉攸找快抖抆扶抉 抉找抗抖攻折忘快找扼攸 扭抉扼抖快 5 技我扶批找 忌快戒忱快抄扼找志我攸. 妊抖快忱我找抆 戒忘 批把抉志扶快技 戒忘把攸忱忘 忌忘找忘把快我 扭抉技抉忍忘快找 批把抉志快扶抆, 抗抉找抉把抑抄 抉找抉忌把忘忪忘快找扼攸 扶忘 忱我扼扭抖快快. 

坏我忘扭忘戒抉扶 我戒技快把快扶我抄 pH-技快找把忘: 

忱抖攸 找快技扭快把忘找批把抑: 抉找 -9 忱抉 +50°妊 (我抖我 忪快 抉找 16 忱抉 122°F);

忱抖攸 pH: 抉找 3,4 忱抉 9,0;

批把抉志扶攸 抉扼志快投快扶扶抉扼找我: 抉找 1 忱抉 9;

批把抉志扶攸 志抖忘忪扶抉扼找我: 抉找 1 忱抉 5;

妤我找忘扶我快 扭把我忌抉把忘 抉找 忌忘找忘把快我 找我扭忘 "妞把抉扶忘" - 9圾.

坐忘忌忘把我找扶抑快 把忘戒技快把抑 扭把我忌抉把忘 122x63x36 技技.

尿抖快抗找把抉忱 我技快快找 忱我忘技快找把 5 技技.

圾快扼 XHST300 忌快戒 忌忘找忘把快我 70,5 忍.

XHST300 4 in 1 Multifunctional soil ph meter (w/o backlight)

XHST300B 4 in 1 Multifunctional soil ph meter (c/w backlight)

This soil moisture, pH, temperature and light tester offers 4 important measurements: pH Value, Temperature, Moisture, and Environment Sunlight Intensity. The sensitive 200mm probe and light sensor window provides 5 units of accurate & precised measured results, pH, moisture, sunlight, ∼C & ∼F (soil & environment).
In addition to the features, it also have an oversized LCD with clear display, backlight (XHST300B only) and auto power off.
This instrument is a great tool for measuring growing conditions of all kinds of indoor and outdoor plants as well as garden virescence. A very useful one in lawn care to determine soil conditions in different areas of the garden and finding correct grass seed.
* 4-in-1 Soil Tester for plants and lawns
* Measures sunlight (9 levels), soil moisture (5 levels), soil pH (12 levels) and temperature (∼C & ∼F)
* 8 inch or 200mm long probe
* Auto shut power off
* Survey light intensity of current environment
* Fast and precised measurements
* Backlight feature
* Great tool to help fix your lawn when grass does not want to grow in certain areas of your yard

packing: 1pcs/color box, 20pcs/ctn, ctn: 44*37*28.5cm (volume G.W.: 9.5KGS)

Name 4 in 1 soil ph meter
Type XHST300B
Test objects Sunlight, moisture, PH value, temperature
Sunlight(9 levels) LOW-, LOW, LOW+, NOR-,NOR, NOR+, HGH-, HGH, HGH+
Moisture(5 levels) DRY+, DRY, NOR, WET, WET+
PHvalue(12 levels) 3.5~9.0 (display resolution 0.5)
temperature -9~+50C(16~122F) (display resolution 1C/1F)
Power supply One 9v block battery
Automatic off The unit will be automatically off after 5 minutes disabling
Operating temperature +5C~+40C
Size Main unit 122mm*63mm*36mm
Test probe Ø5mm*20mm
Weight 0.23kg
Color box packing 35*8*6cm
Master carton 20pcs/ctn, ctn size: 44*37*28.5cm (volume G.W.: 9.5KGS)

Light Level: 9 Levels
The meter shows the "Display" value when the light level is between the "low" and the "high Lux" value in the table:

Display Value

Low Lux

High Lux

Low- 0 500
Low 500 5,000
Low+ 5,000 10,000
Nor- 10,000 25,000
Nor 25,000 60,000
Nor+ 60,000 80,000
Hgh- 80,000 100,000
Hgh 100,000 120,000
Hgh+ 120,000 greater

Soil Moisture: 5 Levels

Dry+: less than 5%
Dry: 5-10%
NOR: 10-20%
WET: 20-30%
WET+: more than 30%

2 in 1 meter
Measures moisture and pH in root level
Let you know when to water
Helps you control PH level in soil 
Promotes healthy plants
No batteries are required
Indoor or outdoor use
Various colors are available 
Unit size 27*5.5*3.5cm
Unit weight 0.1KG
Package 96PCS/CTN
Carton Dimenstions 35*45*61cm/96pcs
Gross Weight 10.6kg  (volume G.W.: 19.3KGS)
Net Weight 9.6kg
Carton Volumn(cbm) 0.096
Innerbox Dimenstions 34*11*30/12PCS
PCS in 20FCL 24960pcs
PCS in 40FCL  55008pcs

XHST7029-B 3 IN 1 moisture/LIGHT/ph meter
moisture meter/ph/light function
Measures moisture content of soil
Let you know when to water
Prevents over and under watering
Promotes healthy plants
No batteries are required
Indoor or outdoor use
Various colors are available 
Unit size 24*5.5*3cm
Unit weight 0.1KG
Package 96PCS/CTN
Carton Dimenstions 35*45*61cm/96pcs
Gross Weight 10.6kg  (volume G.W.: 19.3KGS)
Net Weight 9.6kg
Carton Volumn(cbm) 0.096
Innerbox Dimenstions 34*11*30/12PCS
PCS in 20FCL 24960pcs
PCS in 40FCL  55008pcs
XHST7028-B Fog moisture meter
moisture meter
Measures moisture content of soil
Let you know when to water
Prevents over and under watering
Promotes healthy plants
No batteries are required
Indoor or outdoor use
Various colors are available 
Unit size 24*5.5*3cm
Unit weight 0.1KG
Package 96PCS/CTN
Carton Dimenstions 35*45*61cm/96pcs
Gross Weight 10.6kg   (volume G.W.: 19.3KGS)
Net Weight 9.6kg
Carton Volumn(cbm) 0.096
Innerbox Dimenstions 34*11*30/12PCS
PCS in 20FCL 24960pcs
PCS in 40FCL  55008pcs

 ( If you need user manual or E-catalogue for above meters, please ask for at: )

multifunctional moisture meter          grain moisture meter          wood/paper moisture meter          soil moisture meter